So the Chron has this spiffy new feature to their web site in which they play phone calls left by readers about various issues and turn them into podcasts. Some are positive things, some aren't. Recently, a call was posted on the site by somebody who had a problem with an article on drones, the pilotless plane variety. Apparently, in a story, the subhead useed the phrase "pilotless drone" and for those who don't know, a drone plane is pilotless. Using the term "pilotless" with the word "drone" is, of course , redundant. Well, somebody had a huge problem the usage in the subhead and left what can only be described as a long, crazy rant about the subhead.

Somehow, the thing got turned into one of those things the MSM call an "internet sensation" and made it all over the internet, finally ending up on NPR. Naturally, it got turned into some YouTube clips, the one above being the phone call set to some beautiful music. There's also another that's a dance remix version.

It's things like this that make us love the internet.