Complaints were made because the increased street cleaning would mean increased amounts of time people had to go out and move their cars. It might also affect business in the area as it could put a damper on parking in the 'hood. So what do people in the area want? Working on the root causes of littering, mainly stepping up enforcement of anti-littering laws and "educational programs." Like maybe bringing back Woodsy the Owl. Or how's about putting up pictures of the Chief Iron Eyes Cody everywhere to make it so that anyone who wants to litter feels guilty about it because they just made the Indian cry. As for "educational programs" doesn’t everybody already sort of know that littering is bad? And not brought up is who is going to enforce things, as we seem to be asking cops to do a lot of enforcing lately.

So it's back to the drawing board as it were and a bunch of community hearings are set to occur to discuss some sort of compromise. The first public forum will be held Wednesday at 9 a.m. and another is scheduled for Feb. 7, also at 9 a.m. Both will be held in room 400 of San Francisco City Hall.