If the sun is shining a bit brighter and the birds are chirping a bit chirpier it could only be because today is a big day-- as of this posting, our little Nancy is officially now the Queen. In fact, her little "First 100 Hours" plan is now on the clock (although, technically, the Dems aren't going to start until next week). How excited is she? She's been throwing herself four days of parties in celebration of it, all to be later shown in an episode of C-Span's "My Sweet Inauguration Party." In a stab at snarkiness, the NY Times even refered to it all as a "Pelosi-Palooza." And the fact some of those parties could raise a little money for her and her party, well, that's just a happy little coincidence.

What's she up been up to? Yesterday, she was in D.C. to attend Mass (gotta show she's down with the Big Guy) and a celebration honoring female politicians. And today, after she gets formally elected by her peeps, she'll top everything off with a celebration with all sorts of supporters (including Gavin and Willie and a few other big SF political honchos) followed by a super-expensive fund raiser with Jimmy Buffett, Carole King, Wyclef Jean and Mickey Hart. For those of you worried that she was going to ixnay all mention of San Francisco, the concert will also feature Tony Bennett singing "California Uber Alles." No, he'll sing "I Left My Heart in San Francisco," of course. On Friday, there will be a House "Open House" and by "open house" they mean by invitation only and then she'll travel down to Balmore to get herself a street named after her-- the "Via Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi Street" (say hi to Tommy Carcetti!) She was actually going to get the street named after her on Tuesday but they postponed it a few days what with all the Ford stuff going on.

None of this hasn't gone without notice. Political reporters are sniffing around all this and trying to find some deeper meaning out of it (God, we hate political reporters) and conservatives are whining about it like the little bitches they are. The netroots, however, are saying go out and party like it's 1999 except we've already lived through 1999 but you know what we mean. Jon Carrol, however, thinks it's all a bit too much and not quite appropiate considering all the problems out there in the world.

Oh, Jon. Everyone hates a stick in the mud.