A bunch of developers have gotten together and proposed building some really fracking huge towers in the SOMA district at 1st and Mission We're talking taller than any other building in the city by at least 350 feet. We're talking higher than any building in the U.S. outside of New York and Chicago. And we're not just talking one tower, we're talking two towers. And a plaza. As well as two 900-foot structures and a 600-foot companion. All part of the development plans surrounding the Transbay Terminal.

How tall are we talking about?

One thousand and two hundred feet tall.

The buildings, however, are supposed to be really, really narrow because the designer sees the development as looking like "bamboo shoots rising from the ground." So we are going to have a skyline right out of Pier 1. Sweet. The developer behind the plan, however, is saying it's hard to really get into the specifics of the plan as it's in a "conceptual" phase. Thus explaining why the drawings are of three direct lines, shattered into triangular figures and a few swatches of color and is being dubbed "Nude Descending Skyscraper."

Now all of this is a huge deal. Building something like that, along with the Transbay Terminal, is a huge change and people here don't like huge changes. Among other things, it'll make all of our pretty photos of the city outdated. And we'd have to change our logo! Not to mention there's environmental issues and climate issues and we don't have to even have to say a certain issue of something that starts with an e and ends with an e and has a q in the middle of it (we can think of maybe a hundred, thousand places we'd rather be during the Big One than the 100th floor of some skyscraper). So, to get a different perspective, we turn to Chris Daly who would be just the type of person to step up and fight something like this.

Oh, wait, Chris likes the idea. "If we're going to do these kinds of heights, this is the place. I like how the project works on the ground -- it's very porous and attractive to people on the street."

Crazy, we know.

We're a long way from any of this coming to shape, however, as there's gotta be impact study after environmental study and we're sure somewhere down the way, somebody isn't going to like it but there you have it.