With the Raiders, well, you know, everyone's kind of sitting back and waiting for Randy Moss to do something disruptive. It hasn't happened yet. Oh, he's given us glimpses of the Randy Moss Experience, but so far but he hasn't exploded yet.

He's getting closer.

While talking about a new college award named after him ("Special Teams Player of the Year" and boy, doesn't that sound special), he brought up this season. Apparently, all that losing and all that crappiness is getting to him. In fact, he basically said he's having trouble focusing and concentrating this season. Anyone watching him (or drafting him second in their fantasy football draft) could attest to what he's talking about: he'd dropping balls everywhere and not running full routes. As he told everyone he's "in a bad mood."

Moss has been like a pot about to boil over that hasn't quite gotten there all season. Early on, he hinted at wanting to be traded and rumors were everywhere that the Raiders would. They didn't. It was also rumored that he argued against bringing Marques Tuiasosopo into a game earlier in the season and had to be talked back into playing.

The best part of the season, though, was something Moss did in response to Fox Broadcaster Howie Long criticizing him for not trying harder. Afterwards, Randy attacked Howie by saying basically, that it was easy for Howie to say stuff like that because when Howie played, it was easier to be juiced all the time. Now, not so much. Moss just basically called Long a doper.

You know, we watched part of a Raiders game and we saw a play in which the ball was thrown to Moss in the middle part of the field. Moss could have made a stretching catch but saw that two members of the Defense were near and probably would have Malachi Crunched him if he were to catch the ball. Moss didn't make much of an effort to go for the ball. Now, in football, you are supposed to sacrifice life and limb to make the catch. To not do so is verboten in the sport. But as we watched the play, we couldn't really blame him in a way. Would you do something that would involve serious pain to make a catch on a really bad team playing a really bad game?