So how did the Giants' hiring of Bruce Bochy go over with Giants fans? Well, does the word "meh" mean anything to you. It's not that people were upset (well, some people were) but most people just kind of gave it a shrug and said that it's not such a bad pick. Kind of like when you go out looking for a used car to buy and you dream of a sports car or a hybrid and you wind up doing what everyone else does-- buy a Honda. It's not very exciting and it's not very sexy but the car just plain ole works.

In the papers, Bruce Jenkins is initially disappointed but comes around. Mark Purdy of the Merc praises his communication skills, a handy thing to have when your biggest issue he'd face could be what to do with a cranky 43 year old well known for being a pain in everyone's non-needle injected rear, and Ray Ratto agrees. Glenn Dickey, surprise surprise, is all negative and wishes him good luck.

On the internets, Grant on McCovey Chronicles writes: " the 6,201 games I've seen Bochy manage against the Giants, I haven't noticed him. That's a great sign" and notes that he's good with young pitchers but has a soft spot for savvy veteran types, you know, Sabaen's crack. El Lefty was so unimpressed he barely mentioned it as does John at Only Baseball Matters, but calls him "a safe, boring and conventional choice that does little to make me feel like we're heading for a fresh, new approach...." Obsessive Giants' Compulsive discusses the story about him in the Mercury which mentions he doesn't have Felipe's manic desire to change pitchers every pitch, is a bit of a stat-head but also likes his players veteran.

But all pretty much say the same thing-- it's not the manager who'll determine the team's fate; it's what Sabaen does about the team. That still remains the mystery of all mysteries.