While gone, we were remiss in properly pimping an haute fashion event put on by Friends of SFist Jason and Monica. But with a method to our madness, knowing from experience that you ADHD-addled bloggers with your short attention spans, Aspergers sufferers with your disposable income and you OCD afflicted comment trolls wouldn't respond to a message months in advance, we waited until the last minute. Granted, we can't remember that far back our damn selves!
So even though everyone from Castrobear to Upcoming already knows all about it, we recommend getting into a hair-pulling fight over a designer label or three at The Cafe this Saturday, where SwapSF hosts a day of trading the hott threads between freaks around town. And it ultimately benefits worthy charities like Dolores Street Community Services.
And the first person to email the SFist Editor with how, what and where to buy the frames America Ferrara wears on Ugly Betty wins a pair of tix to scrounge their own tux!
SFist Jackson, contributing