We have mixed feelings about Cama closing. On the one hand, they made a yummy chocolate drink with Toblerone that we liked. They also had couches and booths and we like any place that has couches and booths. On the other hand, we're still bitter it replaced our beloved Dr. Bombay's. The bar also seemed to have that identity crisis known to plenty of not so successful bars. It was supposed to be kind of loungey and chill but one night we'd walk by and hear 80's music, another night hip hop, and another night grungy, dive bar music. The confusion extended to inside the bar too where it was often darkly lit with cool videos being projected on screen-- read chill-- but the music would be anything but chill.

Oh well, c'est la via. We guess we'll go to North Beach now for our after-hours fun. We hear it's happening.
