We can't think of a better way to spend a birthday (our husband's) than eating an entire animal with seventeen fellow carnivores at Incanto Restaurant's private room, in Noe Valley. This is a bit of Laura Ingalls Wilder in the City, for sure. Not only are the food and wine superb at Incanto, it's where we ate offal (Prather Ranch veal testicles, anyone?) with Culinary Bad Boy Anthony Bourdain earlier this year.
Although the Whole Beast options that Chef Chris Cosentino will carve tableside can include lamb or goat, we chose the suckling pig. It seemed the most "user friendly" for all palates (this theory would ultimately be tested by the presence of three brave pregnant friends in attendance). Besides, Homer Simpson said it best: pig is a wonderful, magical animal.
Vegans beware, after the jump!
SFist Mary goes whole hog with our newest food column, Hot Stuff!