Despite its horrible image quality, annoying upload limits, and MySpace-worthy commenters, we have to admit, we love YouTube, especially when it gives us the opportunity to watch Fall TV pilots weeks before they're supposed to air, thus saving us the annoyance of setting those TiVo season passes for new shows that might very well be crap.

And indeed, "Our Thirties" is crap, but mind you, it's crap set in San Francisco! Of course, it being a sitcom, the show is filmed in a studio, so the only evidence of a San Francisco-setting comes in the form of scenic transitional shots of the City, a joke about calling San Francisco "Frisco," and the shocking discovery that someone is gay. We doubt we're going to be setting the TiVo for this one, but through the glory of YouTube, you can watch and decide for yourself. First part is below, parts two and three after the jump.

Edited to add: Well, looks like ABC would rather you not watch this trash before it's September premiere date, as YouTube has removed the videos. But believe us, you aren't missing much.