You don't want to look like an Ugly American, now do you?

So what were going to do is to provide you a handy-dandy guide of who to root for and who not to. Actually, we don't have to as this blog pretty much nails it. To sum up:

"Teams to root against: Germany, Argentina, Italy
Teams to root for: England, African teams, Iran"

The blogger will explain why we should involve Iran, although one has to enjoy the high irony of a President who denies something for which he can be jailed for denying in the country in which the thing that he's denying happened.

But we digress.

Anyways, what we can provide for you is this hand-dandy guide to what the major teams are like so you can at least have a basic understanding of what to expect. This is especially important because the U.S. team is pretty much DOA, a possible 2nd round match up with Brazil doing them in if their "Group of Death" grouping does not. What this means is that you have to have a second and third team to root for and, well, you don't want to root for Argentina.

That would be bad.

So to make this easier for everyone, we take the country that's playing and translate it, as it were, to the American sports team they most resemble. It's not exact, but it works fairly well.