Eve Batey: What about Transit.511?

Nathaniel Ford: Okay. Now I’ve heard about some challenges we’re having with Transit.511, and that in some cases it’s not giving as accurate information as we need to have. Again, this is another one of those programs where we’ll have to continue to continue to refine it.

Now I mentioned NextBus – you know, we’re getting ready to roll out the rest of this system, but we’re seeing some difficulties with that system, too. So, you know, my answer to all of this is, any information that we’re providing to our customers, we’re reexamining it, we’re seeing where we have problems and it’s not working and it needs some correction, and we’re on top of it.

I don’t know what has been the history more recently in terms of these projects, and I think you’ve got a new Executive Director, and my goal is, I mean my objective is, is that all of this is going to work, and it’s going to be reliable, and it’s going to be something that we can trust. And we need that trust in this organization and this agency. So that’s my commitment.

EB: But Transit511, I mean, it’s more than just a project. Right now if I want to get a MUNI map, I have to go through Transit511. I can’t go through your site, and then I go, and it’s inaccurate.

NF: Right.