We would be lying if we said that the Craigslist community section is anything but a good-ol' hodgepodge. There are nearly no off-limit topics and much of the free-form discussion is devoid of the usual "He's an idiot. No, He's an idiot" conversation. Honestly, where else can you find normal conversation on pets, liberals and/or conservatives and how Osama is teaming up with Mexicans?

Reading these we have recently noticed a few postings about finding a witness. As in, finding a witness to a car break-in, a traffic accident or some other nefarious act. Looking around the country we found that most of these posts are about car accidents or pet abuse. Though a taxi hit this poor soul after SXSW.

Now, we love rubbernecking as much as the next person, but these ads make us wonder about how much faith it takes to post one. Faith, not in something divine, as Craigslisters tend to not fit that demographic, but faith in the small probability that one of the few people who saw an accident will stumble across a small post on a single city centered bulletin board.

Image from http://www.survivetodrive.com