Okay, he's not REALLY a CIA agent. But his posters say he is, and that if you tear them down, you'll "get SMACKED." For the last month or so, a quiet, stocky, late-20s guy with a shaved head and a heavy-metal goatee has been posting gibberish on telephone poles around the eastern end of the panhandle. He wears what look like hospital scrubs, which make us hope that he's getting some form of treatment somewhere; and over the scrubs, he's got a white t-shirt with more of his rantings written in large block letters. It actually looks pretty trendy, like something you'd pay $70 for on Haight -- we'd totally wear a t-shirt that says "Jesus Christ lets people torture him because you can't kill me stupid, then I shove an ugly piece of wood up your ass," as reads one of his manifestoes. Someone get this guy on "Project Runway." Or into a residential care facility. Whichever.