Is Daly Itchy or is Newsom? You guys pick! The eternal conflict between the cat and the mouse flared up again today as Newsom called up the Chronicle editorial board all special, just to complain about Daly's city propositions A (more money for crime prevention) and C (Transbay Terminal reform). Newsom's also unhappy about D (Laguna Honda reform), but that one's supported by two other of his political rivals, Tony Hall and Matt Gonzalez.

Newsom's beef with A is that he doesn't need someone else telling him how to spend money and his beef with D is that it might throw Alzheimer's patients on the street (hey, that's San Mateo's job!), but our favorite is his complaint about Daly's C.

Among other things, Daly's Prop C requires that Newsom himself, and not just some appointee, show up for Transbay Terminal meetings, which Daly says will force Newsom to actually pay attention to the issue for a change. Ha! Good one! We hope those Transbay Terminal meetings won't conflict with our favorite crime drama, CSI: Plumpjack!

So Newsom's all worked up about A, C, and D, right? What's the natural next question? How do you feel about B, which is another Daly proposal (that real estate sellers disclose evictions, which Newsom vetoed)? Newsom didn't address that one. Dude, if you're going to call the Chronicle up all special and be all like, "I hate A, C, and D," you really ought to have thought about issuing a statement for B too, just for completeness.

They fight, and bite, and fight and bite and fight -- the Newsom and Daly show!