We also enjoyed the genre-experimentation of "Doc Frankenstein," a series of books set in a universe in which Frankenstein's monster survived and evolved into a mercenary, a liberal activist, and an enemy of a deranged version of the Catholic church. The concept was created by Geof Darrow and Steve Skroce, but the story is by the Wachoski brothers, and like , this Frankenstein story is long on motif, symbolism, and vagaries, but provides plenty of fodder for armchair philosophy. Having raised the ire of conservatives via ungodly creation, support of Lincoln, operation of speakeasies, and applauding of Roe v. Wade, Frankenstein has assembled a colony of brilliant outcasts, which comes under attack from a destructive Christian Air Force. The cruelty with which people of faith are depicted is a bit shocking, and disappointingly one-dimensional. That is but one of the book's many issues which could make for rewarding conversations, or extremely tedious pontification, depending on with what breed of comic-reader you choose to associate.

After the jump: navel-gazing fish, a crime-fighting rock band, and the Fantastic Four are SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!

The Matrix