Caltrans is warning us in advance that it's going to open up two more Fastrak-only lanes on the Bay Bridge. Why the advance notice? Well, because only 1/3 of drivers have Fastraks, and whenever they close off a toll lane, traffic inevitably backs up for hours on I-80 as drivers who didn't pay attention to the Caltrans alert struggle to merge into the lane next to them.(just let 'em go, people! Just let 'em go in front of you! They'll get their karmic just desserts later, we promise!)

This'll make the Bay Bridge 35% Fastrak only, with Caltrans's ultimate goal to get the bridge to 66-70% Fastrak lanes. To sweeten the deal for you non-Fastrakers, Caltrans'll give you $10 of credit on any Fastrak bought between now and Dec. 19 -- wow, that's 3 and 1/3 trips from the East Bay into the City!

If you're on the fence about it: you know, all like, "wellllll, I only go to Oakland every now and then," or "the CIA will use it to monitor my whereabouts" -- oh, don't worry so much! it's like TiVo, it'll change your life. As Caltrans says, "Most of our strategy is based on public outreach. One of the largest selling points for Fastrak is watching other motorists zip ahead of you while you're waiting in line to pay." Fastrak-ers'll let you in on a secret -- yes, we really are laughing at you, fumbling for 12 quarters and rolling down your window, as we speed on by.