The always-vigilant Bay Area Transit News gets credit for pointing out the apparant Xeroxing. Only a few words were changed between his letter published on September 5th and the one published yesterday; that's a shame, because both versions could use a more vigorous proofreading. For example, David decries the "adverse impact ... on the community" of having dedicated bus lanes, but never says what that might be, probably because "faster service" and "less traffic" doesn't sound all that adverse. "Let's fix Muni before fixing what's not broken along the Geary corridor," he writes, twice, but has he ever freaking ridden a 38 from downtown to the beach? It takes nearly an hour during peak times. Not to mention, all that traffic makes Geary like a miserable unwalkable strip of Los Angeles. Yes, by all means, let's fix Muni; and since the Geary Merchants are apparantly so eager for attention, let's start by streamlining transit in their neighborhood.

After the jump: the two letters for comparison.