So there we were, on craigslist again, when we came across this ticket out of obscurity:

NEED: Interior Designer who POPS on TV (SOMA / south beach)

Are you a working designer or decorator who wants your own television show?

HGTV is your answer: "Design Star" is a new show committed to bringing the best designers to the small screen. Head to WWW.HGTV.COM, click on "Design Star" and apply to be discovered!

You'll need to fill out an application and make us a video. Feature a room you've designed that you love, and also give us a sense of who you are as a person. All details are described on the links on the HGTV website.

Act Fast -- the deadline is coming up soon.

A quick trip over the the HGTV site (oh, look, you can also win a trip to San Francisco. Great.) also uncovers the fact that as of December 5, homeowners can apply to have a room in their home designed by a "Design Star" finalist! While we have no interest at all in being a designer, nor do we have a "popping" (not counting that one time in college) personality, we love the idea of having someone come in and trash our house on TV. If only we were owners, not renters. Damn you, landlord! (Just kidding, please don't evict us.)

All competition entry information is available here. Just promise us that if you win, you'll come make over the SFist office, because it sure needs it.

Image from the Fremont Furniture Ugliest Sofa Competition