Ever since Deadspin started running their "Why Your Hometown Columnist Sucks" feature we've been eagerly awaiting to see if one of our hometown sports columnists is indeed deemed as sucking. Not just because we were curious as to see who Deadspin Will would pick but also because we like our sports columnists. In fact, we love us some Ray Ratto and Bruce Jenkins and think Ira Miller is as good as anyone. So, then, if Deadspin picked a San Francisco columnist, who would it be?

Would you believe C.W. Nevius?

This doesn't really strike us as fair as Nevius no longer actually writes a sports column. Something even Deadspin acknowledges. And yeah, most of his columns are along the lines of "The Whacky Adventures of Suburban Boomer Dad" (those teenagers sure do some crazy things!) which could be construed as sucking, but neither are we the intended audience nor is there really any way to write that column without coming off dorky. Plus, as a commenter pointed out, Nevius does something most unusual for columnists today, especially sports columnists, which is actually go out and do some reporting (Nevius was on top of the most recent Pit Bull mauling and wrote some really good stuff about it).

So, in other words, we just don't know about this one. Whadda you think?