Not to sound like a broken record, but have you been watching "Arrested Development"?! Ok, fine, you haven't been able to watch it for the past month because it hasn't been on. But as a reward for waiting, Fox will be airing two episodes tonight starting at 8 p.m. Included in this mini-marathon is the return of Charlize Theron as a "special" agent. (We'd also like to take this opportunity to wish Jason Bateman a speedy recovery from his recent throat surgery because, you know, that's gotta hurt and stuff. But mainly because we want the show to get back to production so we won't have to wait another month for new episodes. THAT hurts.)

Another show we've missed for the past month is "My Name Is Earl". Of course our missing it has nothing to do with NBC's not airing it. They've got a hit on their hands and wouldn't think of pulling it from the schedule for a month. Our missing it has more to do with our unwarranted faithfullness to a certain reality show that airs at the same time. We think NBC must be reading our diary, because they'll re-running a full month's worth of "Earl" this Saturday starting at 8 p.m. Is it luck? Or...karma?

Image of our boyfriend, Patton Oswalt, from "The Comedians of Comedy" site.