Secretary of State Bruce MacPherson's going all Nostradamus on us, predicting a 42% turnout for Tuesday's election. What? You think we don't care or something? Let's show that guy he's wrong! (upwardsly, we hope!)

Turnout predictions are ranging from 30% to 50%, with MacPherson's predictions based on voter interest, registration numbers, absentee ballot applications, and the predicted weather on Tuesday (sunny -- so you got no excuse!). 4.5 million absentee ballots have been issued (out of 15.8 million registered voters) and 1.8 million have already been returned. The lowest turnout for a special election was in the 36% range in 1993 and 1979, and the highest was for the last special election, at 61%, where our state elevated a guy who ran Planet Hollywood into the ground to our highest executive office. How's that working out for us, huh?

Don't know where to vote on Tuesday? Look here. (or: SF, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara). Get that "I Voted" sticker! Send a mixed message to city and state government! You have the power!