And if you tinfoil hat-wearers think it's more than a coincidence, since last time we were at City Hall there was a bomb scare, none of us were anywhere near City Hall today. Unless SFist Rita and her friends at the Federal Building decided to prank city government...but considering how the Feds feel about our medical marihoonie, they probably would have called in a 'bong' scare -- though that would certainly be enough to confuse Annemarie Conroy.

Update: We may have snarked too soon...John notes in the comments that extreme measures are being taken.

Update: Nope, totally snark-worthy. They closed down McCallister, but didn't evacuate anyone in the supes' offices on the north side of the building. The 'suspicious' suitcase duffel bag (probably left by somebody to tired or drunk to haul it up the hill into the 'Loin) was destroyed in a controlled explosion. Civic Center Mike has the details and photos.