Supporters of the measure claim that the ruling is merely nothing but politics as usual and the political establishment sticking it to noble reformers. They also said that the changes-- a few rewritten paragraphs here, a few word changes there-- was nothing more than a "clerical error." Which we can totally see. We can't tell you how many times we've accidentally sent the wrong version of a word doc out to someone. For a final kicker, the judge told proposition supporters that they have nobody to blame for themselves. Ouch. Supporters also vowed to continue on with the fight and will appeal.

This has to be considered another blow to the Governator who has not been having the best few weeks. Besides sagging poll numbers, he had to give up his cushy publishing gig, came under fire for a cheesy real estate deal, and got viciously satirized by Samantha Bee on the couch-less "Daily Show."