He also wants the paper to work more with its Web site as a "continuous" news source, but admits a lack of interest in blogs, claiming many are just "people writing about what they had for breakfast..."

So what does that say about the Chronicle's Wednesday Food section? Isn't that kind of what Marlena Spieler writes about, like, all the time? Okay, maybe she mixes it up with lunch and dinner, but still...

Joe Strupp manages to work in mentions of Bronstein's "trademark cowboy boots" . We get it, Joe, Phil likes cowboy boots. We'd like to point out why he probably likes those boots, but that would be mean. We'd also like to point out what's wrong with the publicity photo they chose to run with the article, but that would also be mean. We think the Lance Williams quote pretty much sums up why Joe is so fawning (jealous, even): "People in this business dream of being the foreign correspondent and marrying the beauty queen, but he did it."

three times