Okay, we're going to go ahead and put our two cents in on this, while scrupulously avoiding actually linking to it -- we will, however, link to the LA Weekly's Nikki Finke's thoughts on Arianna Huffington's new project. Luckily, we were given an opening to snark a bit ourselves by none other than California Attorney General candidate Jerry Brown:

Long ago, America's founders assumed an educated electorate and the deliberative discussions and reflections that a slower age invited. Then it was an Age of the Book. Now it is the Age of the Screen and its attendant attention deficit. One report has it that email, web surfing and cell phone use dull the mind more than marijuana.

We'd like to point out that long ago, America's founders met in taverns, where they wanted to reserve rights of citizenship to the landed gentry, traded tips on how to keep a slave mistress from parading illegitimate children around the plantation and smoked opium for back pain. And are you really the one to talk about minds dulled by marijuana, Mayor Moonbeam of Oaksterdam? And we were worried that Jerry would bring mind-numbing high tech jobs to revitalize the economy in Oakland. Phew.