Sure, we mock the Chronicle all the time -- but we mock because we love! So let us extend a hearty back-slap of congratulations to our main bastion of the Mainstream Media out here in San Francisco for winning a Pulitzer for feature photojournalism! Don't spend the $10,000 prize all in one place, guys!

Deanna Fitzmaurice's photographs illustrating a series about an Iraqi boy flown to the Children's Hospital in Oakland for life-saving surgery after he was injured in an explosion, called "Operation Lionheart," beat out the Minneapolis Star-Tribune's photo essay on a woman soldier recovering from head trauma and the LA Times' famous picture of the Marine smoking. We're so proud!

The Chron was totally robbed for a Pulitzer on their BALCO coverage, though. They'll just have to settle for getting a Congressional inquiry started and triggering a nationwide debate is all.