Oh, it's a sad day for SFist. Not to encourage undue speculation, but it seems like we have all found better things to do than read this week. Is it that our online reserve queue from the SF Public library is currently stalled, ot that we've opted instead to buy our reading material from one of our fine local independent bookstores? We can only hope that next week is a better one for us all.

Want to know how bad it is? Well, SFist Jeremy is reading "the user's guide for my new camera." Gripping stuff, Jer. Sfist Krissy has "only been reading the job listings on Craigslist and skimming ." Krissy, we've been there, and cannot judge.

Other SFists are hung up on the smame thing for a while. SFist Rain is still making her way through Love and Rockets, her speed probably due to the fact that it's too big to read on the bus. SFist Eve has been reading Watership Down for what seems like forever, as she prepares an essay on it for Spunk [arts] Magazine.

Down and Dirty Pictures jacket from the SFPL site
