In what has to be the most delicious way to help those who lost their lives, loved ones and communities in the Tsunami disaster, a group of foodie bloggers from around the world have donated their formidable talents in recipe writing and wine pairing to put together "A Menu for Hope." Derrick over at Obsession With Food was where we first found the menu. He contributed a recipe for Khari Poori with Mint Chutney, and the thought that "When such a disaster strikes, we are not American or Thai or Swedish. We are simply people."

The idea started when Pim over at Chez Pim asked her fellow foodies to lend a helping hand. Needless to say, this is one example where no one will complain about too many cooks in the kitchen. The bloggers are asking that in return for their gorgeous recipes and wine ideas, you simply take the time to donate to UNICEF. At the time of this post, they've raised $1,165, or about three meals on Meredith Brody's expense account. Drop by Derrick or Pim's sites to peruse the menu, which has links to all the bloggers and the recipes they contributed.

Photo of Khari Poori with Mint Chutney by Derrick of Obsession With Food.