
See Arnold Run, the biopic of our Governator (we never get tired of it) that debuted tonight on A&E is like a high school production of A&E's standard-bearer Biography series put on by the wrestling team.

The format is basically this: See Arnold's campaign hitting a snag or reaching a high point in the days from announcing his candidacy to the election itself, then jump back to see how the time leading up to him winning Mr. Olympia in 1974 brought us here. Then there are a few other black and white flashbacks to Arnold as a child, being beaten up by his brother and having the creepy spectre of his brown-shirt, is he or is he not-Nazi of a father hovering over him.

It could be the cheesy staging. It could be the horrible acting by nearly everyone involved. No, wait. Actually, by everyone involved. It could be that the best bits were accent-checking - not just Arnold, but also Barbara Walters and Ariana Huffington. It could be our disappointment that Mariel Hemmingway didn't lose 50 pounds to acurately portray our Cryptkeeper-resembling First Lady. In the end it's the sum of all of those parts and the real lack of any sense of humor about itself that ultimately makes See Arnold Run a complete killjoy.

Image of Mill Valley's Mariel Hemingway in Maria Shriver makeup from A&E's See Arnold Run site.

Ed. Note: Full disclosure, this show has been advertised on our site for the last few days, but they aren't paying nearly enough to influence this review.