Even if you've somehow managed to navigate the Bay Area without calling on craigslist for an apartment, car, or "casual encounter", craigslist has improved your life by giving you something fun to do on the internet. If you haven't ever entered your choice of public transportation into Missed Connections, skimmed Rants & Raves, or marvelled at the gigs, well, you probably aren't reading this either.

We'd like to enlist all our craigslist scanning readers as our own private craigslist clipping and tracking team, in service of a new craigslist picks column (title still under debate - leave your suggestions in the comments). As opposed to emailing your pregnant pal this post:

There is a fantasy that I have had for a long time now. You see, like most men, I love breasts. Now all breasts are good, of course, but the best ones are the ones like yours -- those breasts that contain milk...Perhaps I feel this way because I have never been with a lactating woman before. I have been told many times that the taste of breast milk is sweeter than the finest nectar, but with your help, I would like to find out for myself.

Send it to us, so we can share it with the world. Amazed by a personals ad that must have come from a recent "graduate" of a correctional facility? Just see a posting so bizarre you can't believe your own eyes? That's what we want to see.

So, let us know you're reading, and send those links our way. We can't wait to see what all of you out dig up for us.

Photo from the craigslist cafepress site