Yes, yes, we saw that Sunday Chron magazine profile about the Gav -- "Newsom In Four Acts," Eye-Rolling In Three. As we all know, "Everyone in San Francisco knows a small black child saved from a hail of bullets by Matt Gonzalez." (We did enjoy the section where Gavin gets in a confrontation in Hunters Point while a youth says, "G, man." G's up... now, who's down again?)

But what we found intriguing was the throwaway paragraph at the end of Act One, cryptically alluding to the origins of the close nature between the Newsoms and the Gettys. "When Bill Newsom and Gordon Getty were young friends, having attended St. Ignatius prep school together, Bill's father, William A. Newsom -- Gavin's grandpa -- gave refuge in his home to Getty when he needed it. A bond was forged between the two families." Hmmm! What does that mean?

Well, local political blogger Chris Nolan hypothesizes that the friendship was cemented when Judge Bill Newsom used his legal/lobbying wiles in his unofficial capacity as the Gordon Getty in-house lawyer to get him millions of dollars out of the trust established by Getty patriarch J. Paul. So really, footing the $232,616.90 bill on that ill-fated Newsom-Guilfoyle wedding reception and making that sizable capital investment in MatrixFillmore was like an interest payment, right?

Picture of the MatrixFillmore "deep lounge" CD from the Plumpjack website