And the award for serving the news needs of people in trapped in caves, living under rocks, or named Rip Van Winkle goes to the Chronicle today:

"The rise of easy-to-use software to create Web logs -- better-known as blogs -- has spawned millions of blogs..."

"Bloggers -- those who create the Web logs -- broke the CBS "Memogate" story..."

"Be careful what you blog. It could get you fired...Peter Whitney said Wells Fargo dismissed him after co-workers discovered his online journal."

Woah! What are these 'web logs' or 'blogs' again? Online journals, you say? People have been fired for writing these things? News stories have been broken online? You don't say.

SFist would like to admit that we knew at least one of these pieces was coming. In fact, when notified via a forwarded email we offered to help the reporter instead of post their clumsy call for help and laugh. We figured we'd spent so much time crapping on the Chron (we only do it because they refuse to do it themselves, and the Examiner isn't exactly at the forefront of Chron criticism) we'd have a heart and try to help the out-of-touch come to a deeper understanding of what this is all about.

For our efforts we were repaid with three stories that were purchased frozen at Costco and then heated to lukewarm in the AP style microwave. And to top it off? No mention of us and the work we're doing here at SFist. Dudes, we were totally gone help y'all keep reporting your beats via 'web logs' or 'online journals' when Frank Vega turns your union out onto the street in search of affordable health benefits, but now we're not so sure we won't just take your readers for ourselves.

Next time, readers, we shall snark first and ask questions later, we promise. Our mistake.