SFist is sure there are some important, good-for-you TV shows airing sometime this week. Probably on PBS. And we wish them and their viewers all the best. But we can't let a certain trio of trashy TV shows go unnoticed, so allow us to forgo the healthy and head straight for the dessert table this week. Hello VH-1's "celebreality" line-up!

The fourth season of The Surreal Life premiered Sunday with a bang, and much whimpering from house guest Verne "Mini-Me" Troyer. He joins fellow cast members Christopher "Peter Brady" Knight, Adrienne "Top Model" Curry, Da "She Sure Is A" Brat, Joanie "Chynna Doll" Laurer, Jane "Go-Go" Wielden, and Marcus "Look At Me, I'm So Pretty" Schenkenberg as they all live in a house and find out what happens when they stop being polite, and start getting really, really drunk. In the case of Verne Troyer, drunkeness minus politeness = riding around naked on a scooter and peeing in a corner of the living room. And caressing the face of Peter Brady while moaning incoherently. Can TV get any better than this? We submit that it can not!