It's true that the main goal of the Vote or Die campaign seems to be to get celebrities to wear shirts that say Vote or Die on them. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it! The big day's tomorrow (do you know where your polling place is?) -- but if you just want to get it over with as early as possible, but didn't register to vote absentee, you can vote today at your local city hall (scroll down for a list of locations, or click here for a list of early voting locations throughout California).

In any event, no matter who wins, loses, or draws tomorrow, progressive groups in the city are hard at work planning protests. Plans include a march on the federal building and through the Tenderloin against the war, and vigils outside the Mission police station against police brutality. "Rock the boat, not just the vote."

One other group, the Pledge, plans to march too, but only if the election is contested. Speaking as someone who got trapped in a building during the 2003 anti-war protests, SFist says if that's not a reason to make sure everyone you know gets out their voters in all 50 states, what is?