For a trial that's supposed to be leak proof, this whole BALCO mess is leaking all over the place. In response to charges of misconduct brought on by details of the investigation leaking, , the court leaked documents on Friday detailing an interview Federal Agents had with Barry Bonds' personal trainer Greg Anderson ("Barry Bonds' Personal Trainer Gary Anderson", of course, pretty much being his new name). In the report, Anderson named several Giants' players as users of steroids. Those Giants included Bobby Estalella, Armando "Brian Sabean Suckered the Pirates Into Trading Me For Jason Schmidt" Rios, and 2002 playoff hero Benito Santiago. Anderson denied giving Bonds' anything, but when presented with evidence showing that he had, Anderson stopped the interview saying that "he didn't think he should be talking anymore because he didn't want to go to jail." This follows the story from several weeks ago in which the Chronicle said they had secretly recorded tapes of Anderson in which he talked about giving the undetectable steriod known as "the clear" to Bonds. Anderson's lawyer denied the charges. As did BALCO head Victor Conte

Court documents also released on Friday included statements from BALCO Vice President James Valente naming not only Bonds, but also Gary Sheffield and then-A's players Jeremy and Jason Giambi as people they supplied not only "the clear" but also "the cream" too. Which, if true, proves that steroids may help player's hit home runs, but won't help them in sliding. Valente went on to say that BALCO would often provide urine tests of the players who were using as a way of pre-screening, with Anderson putting his name on Bonds' tests as a way of protecting the player. These statements were denied by Valente's lawyer, who called Federal Investigators "unadulterated punks" for leaking the story.

Due to all the leaking, lawyers for the BALCO gang charged misconduct on part of the Federal Investigators and asked the case to be dismissed. Besides the leaks, the lawyers claimed that their clients were subjected to illegal searches and coerced by federal investigators. Federal Investigators- surprise, suprise- denied those charges.

While we don't know if any of these charges are true, we can, however, say that that sound you are hearing is that of Giants fans' sticking their hands over their ears and blabbing away "we can't hear you...we can't hear you."