SF Restaurants, Food & Drink The SF Chronicle Is Reviving the Top 100 Restaurants List at Last After more than five years in which the San Francisco Chronicle has published a bevy of shorter food lists, the big grandaddy of them all, the Top 100, is making a comeback.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink The Chronicle Publishes a New Top 91 Restaurants In Four Parts, Ignores Wine Country In the quest to do best-of lists at the Chronicle Food Department without actually replicating Michael Bauer's once-popular Top 100 Restaurants list, there have been some false starts since Soleil Ho began her tenure as critic two years ago.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Chronicle Launches a Bizarre 'Top 25' That Will Be Updated Quarterly, Kind of Like the Eater 38 It's seemingly been a struggle for the Chronicle food department and restaurant critic Soleil Ho in assuming the albatross of Michael Bauer's Top 100 list ever since Bauer retired and Ho took his place.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Bauer Adds La Taqueria, Ju-Ni, And 20 More Restaurants To Chronicle Top 100 It's the big announcement day for the Chronicle Top 100 Restaurants something that the paper, in previous years, took great pains to keep under wraps until the physical Sunday paper arrived in early
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Michael Bauer Drops Gialina, AQ From Top 100, Adds Petit Crenn, Trestle, And 17 More A couple of weeks earlier than usual, Chronicle restaurant critic Michael Bauer has unveiled his Top 100 Restaurants in the Bay Area a longstanding Chron tradition that serves as a kind of locally
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Michael Bauer Tried To Make It A Top 150 This Year, But The Chron Refused Every year for at least the past five Michael Bauer has lamented the cuts he has to make in order to keep his Top 100 Restaurants list down to 100. And, once again,
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Bar Tartine, Sons & Daughters Pruned From Chron Top 100; Lazy Bear, Liholiho and (Finally) Atelier Crenn Added For the second year in a row, the Chronicle is trying the thing where they entice people to pay for online subscriptions by publishing the updated Top 100 a week early on the
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Bar Agricole, Bistro Aix, Incanto Pruned From 'Top 100' On Sunday, Michael Bauer unleashed his annual Top 100. A total of 21 restaurants were dismissed this year, either due to closure (Cyrus, Masa's) or because the noted food critic fell out of
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink 21 Joints Added To Michael Bauer's Top 100 Few critics can make headlines in other publications based solely on their reviews. Michael Bauer is one of them. (He can even prompt less than stellar restaurants to crumble and revert to their
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Top 100: Bauer Giveth, Bauer Taketh Away San Francisco Chronicle food scribe Michael Bauer came out with his annual Top 100 this weekend. California and American restaurants, as expected, weighed heavily on the list. A few new additions were Jack