SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Korean Mega Mart Offshoot Jagalchi Announces Its Serramonte Mall Opening Date The former JCPenney at the Serramonte Center will be reborn as the 75,000 square-foot Korean market, restaurant, and bazaar Jagalchi, a high-end offshoot of the Korean grocer Mega Mart, opening on Friday, March 28.
SF News Serramonte Plaza Caregiver Fined For Placing People With Criminal Records in Homes of the Elderly A Daly City-based senior care provider called Serving Seniors.Care had been hiring caretakers with criminal records, with the unsurprising result that one of them allegedly stole thousands of dollars from an elderly man.
SF News Daly City Target Store Damaged In Suspected Arson Fire A fire broke out at the Serramonte Center Target store on Thursday, and it is being investigated as a case of arson.
misc Style-ist: Monsieur Gaultier est Ariveé à Tar-jay (Or, A Tale of Two Targets) by Chloé Harris Say what you will about the wicked evil of big-box stores in downtown SF. If Target were open at the Metreon, we could trot over there on our gloriously glossy,