SF News City Report Says Remote Work Cost SF $484 Million In Tax Revenue In 2021 A new report from top SF City Hall economists says that it’s troublesome how the city’s five largest taxpayers pay 25% of all the city’s business taxes, and that remote work changes by top taxpayers companies lowered SF tax revenue by $484 million in 2021.
SF News Feinstein Goes To Bat For Presidio Terrace Residents Whose Street Got Sold The incredibly uplifting and fabulous story of megabucks Presidio Terrace homeowners getting their street sold from them because they hadn’t paid a common property tax in 30 years has drawn the interest
SF News San Francisco Assessor Wants to Raise Property Taxes on Corporations San Francisco Assessor Phil Ting is starting a campaign to amend Proposition 13, the 31-year-old ballot measure that limits the increase of property taxes statewide to 2% a year. He argues that corporations