SF News Day Around The Bay: Moscone Center's $350M Expansion The San Francisco Planning Commission unanimously approved a proposed $350 million expansion of Moscone Center North and South. It's expected to pass a vote from the Board of Supervisors and construction could start
SF News Day Around The Bay: San Francisco Sewage Plant Problems Our massive waste treatment facility, which flows 80 percent of San Francisco's sewage, is in desperate need of an upgrade. [ABC 7] Kin Khao, Tosca Cafe, and Sir & Star are nominees for
SF News Day Around the Bay: Newsom Gets His Hair Wet Our very own Lieutenant Governor got soaked for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at AT&T Park today. [7x7] Also, Gavin is super excited about marijuana legalization. [HuffPo] San Franciscans have Grouponed
SF News Day Around The Bay: Destination Oakland We're still reeling from the news that Robin Williams was found dead today. Here's some less tragic news in the Bay Area. A new San Francisco ordinance, which starts this week, blocks larger
SF News Day Around The Bay: Outside Lands' Beach Mess Rio's Steve Jobs doppelgänger is a fascinating weirdo. [Valleywag] Outside Lands beach cleanup stinks. [Ocean Beach Bulletin] A federal judge says that the "$324.5 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit alleging Google
SF News Day Around The Bay: R.I.P. 415 We've officially run out of 415 area codes. San Francisco and Marin are getting a new area code — 628 — assigned to new numbers starting March 21, 2015. [7x7] Hey S.F., don't feed
SF News Day Around The Bay: Rally Possum Driven by tech, Bay Area wages are rising twice as fast as those in any other major metro region in the country. [Oakland Tribune] A possum that wandered into the field during Monday
SF News Day Around The Bay: Penis-Drawing Fun With Run-Map Apps Much like we've seen before, San Franciscan Claire Wyckoff is using the Nike+ app to draw penises, and other things, all over S.F. and posting them to this Tumblr. [Jezebel] A fun
SF News Day Around The Bay: Who's That Man Waving An American Flag On The Golden Gate Bridge? On Tuesday, the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee will question Caltrans officials about the recent report that alleges they silenced engineers who tried to expose cost overruns and construction defects on the new
SF News Day Around the Bay: Medical Marijuana Delivery? Important update on those emergency water hydrants: They should not be assumed to be safe for drinking, like at all. [SFist] That promised program, funded by Google, of free wifi in S.F.
SF News Day Around The Bay: More Bay Bridge Drama Caltrans allegedly silenced engineers who tried to expose cost overruns and construction defects on the new eastern span of the Bay Bridge, according to an investigative report released today by a state Senate
SF News Day Around the Bay: Grover Norquist Is Going to Burning Man If you thought Burning Man had jumped the shark when the Winklevosses showed up, you were wrong. Because now Republican talking head Grover Norquist is going with his wife. [Twitter via Slate] The
SF News Day Around The Bay: E.coli Shuts Down Popular Swimming Hole Here's a recap of the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association meeting intended to discuss area traffic safety. [Hoodline] So how about The Clubhouse, where members of AT&T Park's exclusive "Gotham Club" (so,
SF News Day Around The Bay: Judge In SF Prefers Firing Squads To Lethal Injections You pay more for a crappy one bedroom than SF does to use Hetch Hetchy Valley, says the [Sierra Club]. [re/code] says that Facebook might integrate Uber into its Messenger, which I
SF News Day Around The Bay: The Alleged Fake TSA Guy Is A Fancy Man How to become a deputy marriage commissioner. [SF Gate] Errant local youths take over million dollar Bernal Heights home. [Bernalwood] Not everyone likes San Francisco's new skatepark. [Mission Mission] The guy who allegedly
SF News Day Around The Bay: Podcast Parenting Photographer shoots close to 1000 images of local pigeons. [SF Weekly] A bunch of the Embarcadero palm trees are diseased, and it'll take $28,000 each to replace them. [KCBS] Kickstarter campaign seeks
SF News Day Around The Bay: Superhero Street Fair Returns The 5th Annual Superhero Street Fair returns this September to the Waterfront Boardwalk Oasis (Indiana St. at Cesar Chavez), and early bird tix are just $10. [Laughing Squid] Infamous local eviction lawyers Bornstein
SF News Day Around The Bay: Does The Bay Bridge Need A Suicide Net? New coffee joints coming to Mid-Market. [SF Gate] Shooting at Hayes and Buchanan [Hoodline] Suspect in Mission slaying nabbed at his girlfriend's house. [SF Weekly] What SF nabes sell the most over asking?
SF News Day Around The Bay: Facebook Testing 'Buy' Button The investigation into SFPD's fatal shooting of Bernal Heights man Alex Nieto will be "Very Long and Probably Very Unsatisfying." [Bernalwood] The wrongful termination claim from a former SF city attorney who says
SF News Day Around The Bay: No Free Weed In San Francisco How San Francisco's clean drinking water destroyed the 2nd Yosemite. [Gizmodo] Why SF won’t be getting on Berkeley’s free weed for the needy train. [SF Weekly] The Van Ness BRT might
SF News Day Around The Bay: Google Dumps Real Name Policy Tagger writes "Fuck your gay art" over Clarion Alley mural. Some people, man. [Mission Mission] Thank goodness they found those Tilamook cheese vans. [CBS5] In a surprising turnaround, Google has reversed a policy
SF News Day Around The Bay: Alleged Girlfriend Beater Launches New Startup This police car wants to tell you something, so turn the volume up . [Mission Mission] Let's get listy! [Thrillist] has 39 ways you know you grew up in San Francisco (presumably for the
SF News Day Around The Bay: Making Tech Buses Pay Way More For Muni Stop Use Green Apple's summer reading list. [Racked SF] Boy, that Parkmodo guy sure seems mad at San Francisco's City Attorney. [SF Examiner] With all this drama around the Oakland Coliseum, fans worry the A's
SF News Day Around The Bay: Awful Cabbies Go Unpunished A remarkable portrait of life inside San Francisco's SROs. [The Bold Italic] Here are the 20 Richmond District parking places that will be taken over by carshares. [Richmond SF blog] Sell me this
SF News Day Around The Bay: City Chopsticks Gets Rammed Four SF men have been busted for trying to get food stamp recipients to sell their benefits for a fraction of what they're worth. You know, like Gloria on Orange is the New