• We've officially run out of 415 area codes. San Francisco and Marin are getting a new area code — 628 — assigned to new numbers starting March 21, 2015. [7x7]
  • Hey S.F., don't feed the whales! [SF Appeal]
  • The California Highway Patrol is investigating whether Caltrans retaliated against internal Bay Bridge critics [Chronicle], meanwhile Caltrans denies the allegations [KCRA].
  • Supervisor Malia Cohen's anti-violence task force proposal for Bayview is called an empty gesture by Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi and others. [Examiner]
  • Rabid readers, you can now get same-day book delivery from Barnes and Noble and Google Shopping Express. [New York Times]
  • Bloomberg Businessweek glorifies, eh defends, tech bros. [Bloomberg Businessweek]