An off-duty San Francisco police officer was the subject of a complaint that was filed with the city's Department of Police Accountability about an incident that occurred last fall, and is just now coming to light.

Mission Local has the story about the complaint, which involves an unnamed SFPD officer who was getting drunk at an unnamed, upper-story, movie theater bar in San Francisco— which sounds like it was likely MacGuffin's Bar at the Metreon, but could also be the bar at the AMC Kabuki.

The officer was seen on surveillance footage getting extremely intoxicated with a friend, taking multiple shots at the bar and stumbling around afterward.

As the complaint goes, an employee at the bar asked the officer to leave the premises because he was too drunk. It was at that point that he "reach[ed] into his hoodie near his collar" to pull out his badge, which was hanging on a chain around his neck. And he also lifted his hoodie to flash his holstered gun.

When the employee questioned why the officer had shown his gun and badge, the officer reportedly slurred something about being a "good guy," and he "apologized and said he did not mean anything by it" and didn't want to cause trouble, as Mission Local reports from the complaint.

The employee then said the officer could be refunded his movie ticket price and he needed to leave. After this, the officer allegedly went to access a bathroom on the building's first floor that is reserved for employees and on-duty first-responders. The officer again flashed his badge to a security guard, and was let into the restroom.

Per the DPA's report, "The named officer denied engaging in any misconduct, misusing police authority, or violating any department policies while being inebriated with a firearm and department-issued badge However, in the separate administrative interview, he admitted that his actions violated department policies."

There was apparently a separate allegation, outside of the DPA's jurisdiction, that was forwarded to the SFPD’s Internal Affairs section. It's unclear if the officer has faced any discipline, but the case was reported as resolved in the DPA's most recent monthly report.

Previously: SF Police Officer Facing Felony DUI Charges