Bay Area VC billionaires and podcast bros will roll out the red carpet for convicted felon Donald Trump Thursday night at a Pacific Heights fundraiser, a sign of the increasing commingling of political "moderates" with full-on Trumpers.

It’s very odd that the Silicon Valley wealthy elite always think that they’re the biggest victims of everything under the Biden Administration, considering the markets have been at record highs pretty consistently under Joe Biden, and the VC class is getting wealthier by the day. Plus, they got their Silicon Valley bailout after they shit the bed and caused a bank run last year.  

But the ‘Woe is me’ billionaire set is apparently more upset over COVID restrictions than COVID death tolls, they of course take their cues from conspiracy theorist Elon Musk, and there’s still some lingering repugnance among them toward the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Silicon Valley Trumper turn will hit its new zenith tonight at a Donald Trump fundraiser right here in San Francisco. It will be co-hosted by anti-woke zealot David Sacks and one-time wannabe ‘recall Gavin Newsom’ replacement candidate Chamath Palihapitiya, both of whom appear on the Elon Musk lickspittle circle-jerk podcast All In.

The fundraiser is expected to raise at least $12 million for the Trump campaign and its stated desire to end democracy as we know it.

Though honestly, considering that podcast’s previous support for Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, the endorsement of the All In bros may be more of a kiss of death.

For his part, Sacks has ramped up his Trump sycophancy since Trump’s 34 felony convictions last week, saying it was an “act of courage” to be a Silicon Valley bigwig supporting Trump post-conviction. But is it an act of courage to just want lower taxes for billionaires, and no prosecution of crimes committed by wealthy people?

“I don’t think they have politics,” tech journalist Kara Swisher told CNN. “I think they are interested in influence, and they realize that politicians are cheap. And so they can get a lot of influence by giving them small amounts of money. I mean, $30 million is nothing to these people, they’re very wealthy.”

The New York Times frames Big Tech’s Trump lurch as “Trump Finds Friends in Silicon Valley,” saying that Sacks hopes to “portray Silicon Valley as a more MAGA-welcoming place.” But this phenomenon is hardly new. Peter Thiel created tech’s Trump permission structure in 2016, Elon Musk and Larry Ellison have long been in the tank for Trump, and former tech CEOs Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina both ran as Republicans for statewide office. And you may remember that billionaire SF socialite Dede Wilsey held her own Trump fundraiser in SF back in 2019, though "Silicon Valley" she is not.

The Times quotes former Trump Administration ambassador Trevor Traina as saying, “This event is a little bit more about the business community saying, ‘Enough.’” The Times fails to mention that Trainor is Dede Wilsey’s son, and that his membership in the “business community” is by way of receiving an enormous fucking inheritance.

Meanwhile, a Chronicle op-ed picks up on the trend of so-called SF “moderates” suddenly flocking to Trump, and the increasingly paranoid and aggro mindset of the tech’s “moderate” political donors. It details that Palahapitiya billed his “moderate-sounding platform” when he was considering running for governor in the Newsom recall, and he is of course now co-hosting Trump tonight. Elon Musk also called himself “moderate” while he was cozying up to Trump, and moderate mega-donor Garry Tan hardly moderated himself when jesting death threats on Twitter toward progressive SF supervisors.

That op-ed by Gil Duran also points out the very alarming trend of Tan’s connection to the Network State movement, which literally uses Civil War terminology of "grays" and "blues" to gin up tech hostility toward the non-tech community. (The "grays" are the tech team, apparently because of gray tech company t-shirts?)

“Take total control of your neighborhood. Push out all Blues,” Network State evangelist Balaji Srinivasan said on a recent podcast. “Just as Blues ethnically cleanse me out of San Francisco, push out all blues. And then you'll easily win.”

It may have been the shape of things to come when the biggest individual donor to the 2022’s supposedly “Democratic-led” recall Chesa Boudin campaign was Republican mega-donor William Oberndorf. Now at this point, there are basically zero degrees of separation between venture capitalists openly calling for civil war, and donations to current politically "moderate" candidates for San Francisco mayor, district attorney, and many of the supervisor races.

That will all play out quite publicly as we head toward the November 5 election. In the meanwhile, if you want to head out and protest the Trump fundraiser tonight, there is of course a protest group you can join.

Related: Inflatable Trump Chicken Comes Out of Storage to Protest Fundraiser In SF [SFist]

Image: NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - JUNE 01: Former U.S. President Donald Trump attends UFC 302 at Prudential Center on June 01, 2024 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Luke Hales/Getty Images)