• While that other debate fell apart, the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club managed to get all the major candidates for mayor together earlier this week to lay out their platforms at a forum. The candidates each were asked a couple of questions, but it was not a traditional debate. [48 Hills / ABC7]
  • You can still grab a ticket and head up to Napa for Day One of BottleRock today. Only Friday GA tickets are available, everything else is sold out (though you can check the ticket exchange), and tonight is Stevie Nicks and Meghan Thee Stallion! [ABC7]
  • A 70-year-old Oakland woman who went missing earlier this week while hiking in the wilderness near Fort Bragg has been located and is OK, despite spending three days out in the elements. [East Bay Times]
  • A group of Mission District merchants who hate the Valencia Street bike lane have joined forces as the Valencia Association of Merchants, Artists, Neighbors and Organizations (VAMANOS), and they are calling for the resignation of SFMTA Director Jeffrey Tumlin. [KPIX]
  • The Chronicle has a piece looking at the property taxes being paid for the six identical Painted Ladies on Alamo Square, as a way of critiquing Prop 13 and showing how one owner is paying $40K in taxes each year while another is paying $1K. [Chronicle]
  • Yearbook distribution was paused at a high school in San Bruno after it was discovered that a student had used an acronym for a racial slur on their page, and the school is now attempting to cover this with tape. [ABC 7]
  • Super Size Me filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has died at the age of 53 of complications from cancer. [Associated Press]

Photo: Dan Meyers/Unsplash