A big tree fell over Tuesday next to the Hamilton Playground and tennis courts on Post Street between Pierce and Steiner, totaling a parked car and temporarily blocking part of the street.

The tree, which was apparently over 100 feet tall, came down sometime before 8 a.m. Tuesday, and an alert went out from the AlertSF system at 7:50 a.m. to avoid the area of Post and Pierce streets.

No one was injured, and the tree had been trimmed and the street obstruction removed by afternoon.

The tree trunk, post-trim. Photo: SFist

Trees fell in multiple locations across the city amid high winds this morning, and obstructions were reported at Union and Hyde streets, Mission Street and Van Ness Avenue, on the 100 block of Fell Street, and the 100 block of Guerrero.

AlertSF also told drivers to avoid the area of Park Presidio between Lincoln Way and Geary Boulevard (that is several blocks), and the area of westbound Fulton Street between 14th Avenue and 20th Avenue.

As seen below, a ficus tree fell on top of a Muni bus in the area of Stockton and Sutter streets, taking with it charged overhead power lines.