Another car has gone off a cliff along Highway 1 south of San Francisco, and the male driver of the car was apparently alive and transported to an area hospital.
A car was spotted on a beach Friday morning, 200 feet below the roadway, either on or near Gray Whale Cove State Beach, just south of Devil's Slide and the Tom Lantos Tunnel. It's not clear when the crash occurred, but Cal Fire tweeted out a video of the scene just after 9 a.m. as rescue crews were responding.
HAPPENING NOW: One lane of Hwy 1 is closed at Devils Slide, S of Tom Lantos tunnel. A car has been spotted on the beach at bottom of cliff.
— CAL FIRE CZU (@CALFIRECZU) September 30, 2022

Motorists were being advised to avoid the area or potentially sit in traffic, as Highway 1 was down to just one lane in that area.
As KPIX reports, Cal Fire rescue personnel rappelled down the cliff and were able to extract the driver and stabilize him. His exact condition was not released. No one else was in the vehicle.
Cars go off cliffs on this stretch of Highway 1 with some frequency. Another car went off a cliff near this very same spot, south of the Tom Lantos Tunnel, in November 2021. A female driver was killed in a similar crash near Gray Whale Cove in August 2020. And another female driver was killed in the same area when her car went off one of these cliffs during daylight hours in December 2019, in an incident captured on dash-cam footage that led to a months-long mystery until her remains were finally identified on a nearby beach. That car was never found.