At least one group of people with guns spent all day Monday committing several crimes across the Sunset District.

Things started around 11:00 a.m. on March 21, near 24th Avenue and Irving Street. The San Francisco Police Department told SFist that officers from Taraval Station were called out to the area after getting a report about a home invasion.

In that incident, a man said he came home and noticed the gate outside had been damaged and that his front door was left wide open. He went inside and found four people had broken in. One of the suspects allegedly pointed a gun at the homeowner while the other three rummaged through his pockets and took what they could, stealing some other property too, and then pushing the man to the ground as they ran off. The victim was not harmed, and police did not detail the total value of what was stolen.

San Francisco police say those four suspects hopped into a dark sedan when they fled the scene. A car with the same description showed up again in another home invasion about an hour and a half later, near Judah Street and 45th Avenue.

When officers arrived at that location, they learned that three suspects had allegedly broken into a house while the homeowners were still inside. The thieves reportedly searched the house and demanded the people inside give up valuables, then once again quickly left in their dark sedan.

Then, a little after 9 p.m. Monday, Taraval Station got another call. This one was further east, still in the Inner Sunset area, but closer to Golden Gate Heights, where Noriega Street converges with 15th Avenue. Police told SFist that a group was standing outside of their car when two suspects walked up, pointed guns, and demanded that the group turn over any valuables they had on them.

“The victims feared for their safety and complied with the suspects,” an SFPD spokesperson explained to SFist.

The suspects did not just take whatever the victims had in their pockets, though. The two thieves allegedly stole the group’s car too. Again, no one was physically hurt in this incident. Police didn't say whether they think this crime is connected to the other two.

The SFPD says each of these cases is still an active and open investigation. So far, no arrests have been made, and the department didn’t provide any further description of what the suspects look like, or even their gender or approximate ages.

The San Francisco Police Department asks that if anyone had information about any of these crimes that could help investigators, please call 415-575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 and begin the message with "SFPD."