An SFPD sergeant with 28 years on the force was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of robbery in an odd incident at a San Mateo Rite Aid that appears to have involved stealing painkillers.

San Francisco Police Sergeant Davin Cole was booked on second-degree robbery charges Wednesday evening and has since been released on bail, as KTVU reports.

The incident happened around 6 p.m. at the Rite Aid at 666 Concar Drive in San Mateo, and a source tells KTVU that Cole had been demanding painkillers at the store's pharmacy.

San Mateo police have not confirmed what was stolen or if anyone was hurt in the incident, but Cole was also charged with resisting arrest after he attempted to run away from the scene.

KTVU reporter Henry K. Lee says, according to his source regarding the painkiller demand, "the implication is obvious."

Sgt. Cole has nearly 28 years in the SFPD, having joined the department in January 1994.

KTVU reporter Evan Sernoffsky lamented on Twitter that Cole's arrest feels especially sad because Cole "spent much of his career working to get people into drug treatment and housing."

Below is some video from a ride-along Sernoffsky did with Sgt. Cole and his partner two years ago.