• It was really effing hot out there this afternoon. Weather Underground was showing temps between 95 and 97 at the Bay, and 82 at the beach.
  • Ugh. The scooter count in SF is about to quadruple. WHHYYY? [SF Weekly]
  • Those climate action protesters remained downtown all day, and they shut down Wells Fargo's main branch. Calling the bank "one of the leading investors in fossil fuels," the protesters linked arms and blocked the branch's entrance. [SF Business Times]
  • Democratic candidate for president Julian Castro was in the Bay Area today and met with Oakland residents at the Fruitvale BART station. [ABC 7]
  • Recently promoted Assistant Chief Michael Redmond, who holds the second highest rank in the SFPD, has a couple of alleged hit-and-runs on his record from the 1990s. [Examiner]
  • Saying it won't act as "referee" in political debates, Facebook says it will not fact-check statements by politicians. [CBS SF]