AH, memories. Back in the early days of 2012, before Facebook had gone public, and before Obama had even been elected a second time, the "Shit ___ people say" meme took over YouTube and many of our social media lives for months.

It all began with a couple of Canadian comics, if you can believe it. In 2011, Toronto-based Graydon Sheppard and Kyle Humphrey started a blog and a (still semi-active) Twitter account called "Shit Girls Say" — a fairly dumb arena for gendered jokes about stereotypical things that women say which spawned this wildly popular video in December 2011, featuring Sheppard in bad drag.

Cut to the entire internet deciding this was an easy format to replicate, in order to collect all the funny stereotypes about all kinds of people, from baristas to gay guys to Los Angelenos. The San Francisco edition came out toward the end of the viral fad, in late January 2012, but was nonetheless a welcome addition.

Writer/director Annie Munro Sloan remains in the Bay Area all these years later, working as a freelance creative director for Twitter #Studio, and she put some enduring (and familiar) phrases into the YouTube canon for San Franciscans of the new millennium. I still find myself calling back things like "I don't go to the Avenues" and "I found this great cleanse, but you can drink on it" to this day — and Deven Harrison deserves props for his performance as well.

Just for contrast, and for more shits and giggles, please enjoy "Shit New Yorkers Say" from that same period, courtesy of Elliot Glazer and his soon-to-be-famous sister Ilana (Broad City) — which is, I have to say, more snappily edited than the SF version, and Ilana gets in a very prescient dig at Mario Batali.

Previously: Forgive: The Ultimate 'Sh*t San Franciscans Say'